Monday, 2 June 2014

Weekend woes or wonderful weekends?

It's almost the weekend!
Yipee! Its Thursday, hump day has passed and the weekend is ever closer.
Weekends can be wonderful - a time to recharge, catch up, spend time with your loved ones or see a film at the local cinema.
Weekends can also be a little worrying for most of us as somehow or other we find ourselves more likely to fall off the wagon (I'm not just talking drinkypoos here!). Somehow we just lose it and sabotage our great weekday efforts.
I've had a think and also spoken to friends who manage to avoid the weekend woes. here are some of their ideas.

Avoiding Weekend Woes
* What is it that makes you fall off the wagon? make a list and see if you can find alternative ways of doing things.
* Create family time. get outside and play footie (yes women are better at football than men)n, chase the kids around the park, visit a museum, the list is endless and much of it is FREE!
* If you adore cooking like my friend who spends all day Saturday cooking why not try out some super duper new healthy recipes. You wont be disappointed and nor will your family. ( have you tried the great recipe from Mondays blog post yet?!)
* If you like to workout but find it more difficult at the weekends, get down the gym early on Saturday morning, shower and change after and your ready for the rest of the weekend.
* Be active, wash and wax the car yourself. it will save money and work those arms!
* Dine out just the once.
* If you blow it by mistake then do some extra movement to compensate.

I hope these ideas will inspire you!
What do you do to prevent the sabotage? id love to hear what you do so we can share your success and pass it on to others.

Thought for the weekend
"Those who do not find time for exercise will have to find time for illness" (Edward Smith-Stanley)
(Did you know that this guy was British Prime Minister three times? I am a geek, be warned!)
So, I hope you have a brilliant and healthy weekend and don't forget to thoroughly enjoy it!
Janie xxxx

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