Monday, 30 June 2014

Monday's Marvelous Madness! 30/06/2014 Supporting Your Well Being!

 It's Mooooooooooooooooooooooooonday! Yay! Another week to live life to the full is coming your way! How lucky are we? What an amazing opportunity. 

What can you expect today?
* E is for...........
* Weekly recipe to tickle your taste buds (it involves Edamame Beans!)
* The awesome power of Miso
* The Myth Buster strikes!(Does keeping fit cost a bomb?)

I Love GYM!
(Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh......don't tell my husband!)

Wow! I've had the most amazing week! Four super sweaty gym workouts, some great walks, fab food and a fantastic day in Dorking with fellow Dorks. (More about the Dorks on Thursday!). I can really see my body is looking stronger and I am feeling taller. What a brilliant way to feel about life! This is so wonderful for me as to be fair I have truly had some major downs in my life, some almost destroyed my will to live, but do you know what? A little hope kept sparking within me and kept me going until I was strong enough to take the bull by the horns and grab life back on my terms. And boy have I finally done it!
You may wonder why I'm telling you all this and baring my soul...............................It's because no matter how we appear in public we all have gremlins and knock backs and I want you to know that you can recover from them and deal with them so that you too can live the life you want. You may not believe it but I do know that the answer lays with great food to nourish the body and mind, exercise and my added extra, the love of my Husband,Children and Grandchildren. If you are ready or when you are ready to have a fab life keep referring to this blog and also get some great advice from The Wellness Acadmey. BTW I AM NOT BEING PAID OR GAINING ANY BENEFIT (OTHER THAN THE SAME FAB INFO YOU CAN GET) BY RECOMMENDING THEM. I recommend them out of pure passion and the knowledge that they aren't faddy or out to make money from peoples insecurities. They just offer the truth so that when you are ready you too can join in the "great life club". Can you feel the passion?! Baby, I'm on fire on this one!!!!
E is for................
Eggplant (this is a nightshade so approach with caution!)

Beautiful Edamame

Edamame are super foods in my humble opinion! They are full of essential amino acids, great for protein,  low fat and a fab source of fibre. They make a great snack, side dish, appetizer and there are myriad recipes out there to include them as an ingredient.It is normal not to eat the outside shell as it is uber fibrous.
Edamame beans are neither yin or yang foods so will not cause you nutritional distress. Whats not to love?!
Many of you lovely readers may have tried these delicious beans at a japanese restaurant or one of the Japanese food chains but believe me if you make your own at home they take minutes, cost very little and can be pimped to your taste and will taste far superior.
Here's my super quick and easy, super yummy recipe that will enhance to your health and well being;

Excellent Edamame with Gorgeous Gomassio
Edamame in shells (as many as you want per person, I suggest 100g per person)
Sea salt
For Gomassio
Sea Salt (1 part to 10 parts sesame seeds)
Sesame seeds (white or black)

* Bring a pan of water to the boil with 1 teaspoon of sea salt.Make sure you have enough water to immerse all your beans once water comes to boil)
*Immerse your beans once the water is boiling and cook for about five minutes. Do not leave any longer or they will become mushy, yeuk!
* Remove and drain. If you plan to shell them before you serve place them in ice cold water to stop them cooking any further. When cool shell. otherwise they are ready to serve hot topped with your gorgeous gomassio.
* Whilst your edamame are cooking make your Gomassio.
Gomassio Method
* In a dry heavy based pan toast the sea salt for three minutes. It may go a bit grey but that's fine.
* Remove and add your sesame seeds and toast lightly. Toss regularly to avoid burning. Once they have started popping or have darkened a couple of shades they are ready.
* Remove and mix with toasted salt.
* Using a pestle and mortar or coffee grinder, grind to the texture you know you will love the most.
* Once your lovely beans are ready and are drained, toss them in your mix. I would advise using a teaspoon of Gomassio per two portions. You can always add more toy our own taste but of you put too much on remember you cant take it away!
* Your Gomassio can be stored in a glass jar in your cupboard quite safely for a good few weeks. Add it to everything!!!!!
* Cooked edamame in shells or podded can be frozen very successfully.
* Keep some in the freezer you have podded so that you make a quick salad or snack.
* If you aren't up to making your own Gomassio you can purchase it online from a wonderful company called The Kind Food Company. They are a small company with a vast range of marvelous macrobiotic foods and more. I love to support them whenever I can.(and yes there is no financial incentive to say this, just the usual Janie Smith Passion to spread the word!).

Edamame snack comparison 
Edamame Beans 100 calories 1/2 cup shelled
Peanuts - 431 calories 1/2 cup
Oreo Biscuit - 1 biscuit 160 calories
Walkers Ready Salted Crisps - 25gm 140 calories
never mind the fat contents!

Myth Busters
As you know I love to go out and disprove myths so that YOU can get to the truth about healthy living. Many reports you read online are sponsored by corporate companies with a vested interest in getting you to believe their take on things. It's the same with nearly all the diet industry cookbooks - they are published to make money from YOU and pray on YOUR worries.

The Myth; I need expensive kit and fancy gym membership to be fit.
The Truth: Well I guess if you want expensive gym kit and fancy gym memberships then you can go buy them but unless you actually wear them and use your membership to its best advantage you wont get healthy!
Now, as you know I train all the time, its a really important part of my life but have I spent a fortune on kit? Hell NO!!! Does my kit look good? I'd like to think so!
So where can you get excellent quality comfortable clothes to train in that don't coast a bomb but look fab?
* your supermarket - my cropped lycra leggings cost me a whole £10 and they go in the wash at least four times a week, don't look any different than when I bought them, fit well and look good!
* I invested in a long length vest top from the shop that rhymes with Harks and Farks for £12. I know you can buy cheaper but again mine goes in the wash daily and hasn't shrunk, faded and looks fab.
* my trainer socks are also a supermarket buy - you know 5 pairs for £3. I have to admit I bought them in pink so they match the trim on my leggings! lol! OK, so I'm quite girly at times!!!
* when it comes to trainers I struck lucky. I take a shoe size 5 so can buy from the kids dept! I bought a fabulously comfortable pair of all round use trainers suitable for the gym floor, walking and classes for £35 and they are NIKE! Even if you have to go in to adult sizes and pay the VAT you do not need to spend a fortune. Just find a pair that feel very comfy and support your feet. Don't be sold on expensive trainers unless you absolutely cant live without them. If you are going running you can get great supportive running shoes for well under £100. I find Asics the most comfortable and supportive for running.
* My water bottle was purchased in Planet organic and has a replaceable water filter in it as well as being made of safe materials so that nasties don't leach in to my water. Okay, it cost me £10 but its worth it for the goodness of my health and I cant even begin to put a price on that. If you do use bottled mineral water when you train please DO NOT REUSE your water bottle. It is really unhealthy to you.
Obviously I have a pink one!
The Bobble Bottle

So I do have gym membership, it costs me £26 a month. I saved a fortune by taking the 9-5 option, 7 days a week. It includes, gym, swim and classes! The gym is better furnished than most of the expensive places, has superb facilities including great showers, loos, locker rooms etc. The fitness trainers are always very happy to help with questions and guidance. In fact its all around brilliant! How is it sooooooo inexpensive? It is owned and run by our local borough council! It doesn't have a fancy brand name! Believe me it's the best gym I've ever been to and believe me I've joined all the highfalutin ones!!!!! If you click on Wimbledon Leisure Centre it will give you an idea just what you could find in your local area without breaking the bank! It has been upgraded since the photos were taken and is now super fab, we even have an Elemis Spa!

Of course if a leisure centre isn't your thing why not go for free exercise like walking, cycling, running, skipping, hiking, playing ball games, tennis, swing ball or join a local ramblers group?

So, I hope I have proved you  need top spend a fortune to be fit and healthy. After all its not the kit and the fancy surroundings that make you fit .......its YOU!

I would loooooove to see your bargain kit, why not send me a pic here. I would only pop it on the website if you expressly agree!

The power of Magical Miso!
After several centuries of being a highly revered food/folk remedy in countries such as Japan, Miso has been recognized by modern medical science as being an essential food for excellent health. It is used regularly for digestive ailments, to treat various cancers, radiation sickness and many intestinal infections. It truly is a super well being food. Miso is a live probiotic food that is completely natural without any added nasties. When it is fermented it creates massive amounts of isoflavines which makes its nutrients more accessible to the the gut and also promotes a healthy pH in your system. When you buy the lab created probiotic drinks you are not eating real food and nor are they very effective.
Miso is
* a complete protein with all your amino acid needs
*  a great source of B vitamins, calcium, iron
*  dairy and wheat free
* low in cholesterol
* high in antioxidants
* less sodium than your table slat
* is known to strengthen your immune system

There are a gazillion sorts out there but if you start with a good Clearspring Organic Hatcho Miso for your savoury needs and the Organic Sweet Miso for your sweet recipes, you are on to a winner for amazingly good health. You can buy some great sachets to take to work too.

In Thursdays blog I will be giving you a super easy miso soup recipe that will taste delicious and not taste like the poohey stuff you get in most restaurants! Trust me it is so fragrant and de - lish - ussss.

Coming on Thursday!
* Review of Macrobiotic workshop with the Dorks!
* Weekend Wanders
* Weekend Recipe - Scrumptious Miso Soup
* Motivation central
* Move More Chill a bit less
* The Feed a family for £30 a week blog challenge!

So, I'm revved up to face this weeks' challenges and emerge with a triumphant smile on my face - I hope you are too.My mate gym will be calling along with a food prep session to fill the freezer with awesomeness!
What are doing ? Id love to hear from you! I know you are out there, the data tells me so and so do you! I would love to create a readers gallery for when we move over to the new layout on wordpress. Why not be part of it?
Contact Janie - go on, be brave, I don't bite!

If we don't "speak" before Ill see you all on Thursday.have a happy healthy week and don't forget to share the love and passion.
Much love xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxjaniexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


  1. Love it Janie and you rock..... keep spreading the good news xx

  2. I am! I have been talking to the manager of our local Planet Organic today to get in there to spread the word!
