Hey you!
Thank you for popping over to see my brand new blog - An Apple A Day!
I am quite a health nut and really want to share my passion with you girls. Yep, this blog is aimed at the fairer sex quite simply because men and women have different needs and feelings and one size does not fit all.Its not always easy to share your feelings or ask girly questions when guys are about but feel free to share with your fellow friends here. Now don't get me wrong I don't anti men or any such thing but sometimes us girls just need our own little bit of space!
This blog is for all of us women who want to empower ourselves and take responsibility for our own health. And do you know what? It is possible.I know it is because I have made changes. Yep, granted its all been in small steps but that's the best way to do it! I have been a curvy woman and unfit. I decided a few years ago when I lost my darling Daddy that life was precious and short and from then on I made small changes that have helped me run my well oiled machine (my bod) and allowed me to do the things in life I want to do! It is LIBERATING!
Support networks are really important in life and probably even more so when we have temptation around us or are trying to develop new habits. I want this blog to become YOUR support network.I want to invite you to contribute, ask questions, in fact what ever it takes to reach our goals.
We will cover all sorts of topics including nutrition, how to move more, how to dress for our new shapes, how to empower ourselves in all areas of our lives, a bit of beauty and soooooooooo much more!I also plan guest interviews with experts to make sure we get it all okay!
Now I'm going to confess that I am not a big fan of those pesky lists that get published all over the internet , you know the type, "the ten best diet miracles " etc. So, my aim is to avoid those lists and if I do get any queries about them to find out the truth for us because TRUTH IS POWER.
I plan to blog on a Monday to get the week started with a bang, Wednesday to check in and make sure our week is going well and a Friday to set ourselves up for the weekend.
Cant wait for your contributions, join in and lets empower ourselves!!!!
Lots of love and happiness
Janie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx